WDD Current Case
Williams Dirks Dameron, along with its co-counsel, filed suit against First Allied Securities, Inc. and Sean Brady. The case alleges that Plaintiff purchased variable annuities and/or direct participation program securities from Defendant Sean Brady while he was affiliated with Defendant First Allied Securities as a financial advisor and that Defendant Sean Brady allegedly engage in a sales scheme which violated Missouri law. The case also alleges that Defendant First Allied Securities failed to properly oversee and monitor the offering and sale of variable annuities and non-traded REITs and create safeguards to protect the customers.
The Court has granted Plaintiff's Motion for Class Certification for the following class:
"those clients of Sean Brady and First Allied Securities (including non-traded REITs during the time period of January 1, 2010, until the date of the termination of Sean Brady's affiliation with First Allied securities."
If you have questions or need additional information about the lawsuit, please contact us at 816-945-7110 or firstallied@williamsdirks.com.
To view important documents from this case, including the Court's Order, Class Notice or Opt-Out Form, please see the links below.
Class Action Petition
April 7, 2020
Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Class Certification
July 2, 2021
Defendant First Allied Securities, Inc.'s Answer to Class Action Petition
September 28, 2020
Class Notice
Defendant Sean Brady and Investment Concepts' Answer to Class Action Petition
September 28, 2020
Opt-Out Form
Williams Dirks Dameron
Contingency Fee Model
Williams Dirks Dameron represents clients on a contingency basis, meaning that we do not bill clients by the hour. Instead our clients pay no legal fees unless we ultimately recover money for the client. This contingency model where we get paid only if our client gets paid, aligns our interests with our clients' interest - interests that maximize recovery as efficiently as possible.